Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Inspector Tapehead Vid #4 and NEWS

I'm catching up with a few things here: Forgot to post Mr. Common's latest Tapehead video, from our sojourn to Stoke Newington (LDN) / Borough (LDN) / Withington (MAN):

That brings the total number of tapehead vids to 4, all viewable on Inspector Tapehead's channel here.

and NEWS:
Chris rang not but an hour ago, fresh out of a day's mastering of the album, Duress Code. Things are sounding very tasty indeed, let me tell you. I don't think the others will let me publicly announce a possible ETA for the album given that we're 18 months past the first estimate already. But soon.


Gareth said...

Brilliant vid. Made me laugh out loud in front of everybody in the office, well worth it though. Aand an album soon?! I'll believe it when I see it, though I have to say i'm quite excited...

Unknown said...

i heart roy

Unknown said...

I'm listening to a version of it right now actually, so there!

Jo: Thanks a lot!