And as a gift, something I think I forgot to blog about a month ago: Neel's pictures from our climb in Glen Coe, that is Aonach Eagach:
Best wishes,
Monday, December 25, 2006
Festive Greetings!
Monday, December 11, 2006
This from Neel:
Just heard a really interesting interview with one of the members of the cinematic orchestra on gilles peterson from last sunday - new album coming out soon he plays one track as a preview. Forward to minute 44 or 45. (hold down numpad 6 to forward if using accessible listen again (link below))
try this out
for a standalone version of the BBC listen again for all the radio stations. Saves going through the browser interface (which maybe only I find really annoying) Also installs accessible podcaster and podcatchers. The webbie website also has a really neat interface to project gutenburg for free, out of copyright books.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
If you're wondering what on earth is going on here the following might explain it:
Reached via, an interesting blog about geotagging on Flickr and Google and the such like and possible intergrations with mobile technologies - very interesting, via the Guardian Technology supplement last Thursday.
Monday, November 13, 2006
I am Kritch
I am Kritch
Richard has pulled out the stops and cemented his web presence (he's a got a website)
Friday, October 13, 2006
theSound updates finally
I have rehashed the front page of theSound a wee bit to reflect the more fragmented nature of my web presence. I still like theSound. But that was then. This is now.
I suspect that that update was for the last time.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in Glasgow this week
As produced by Suzy and co.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Ladakh 06 photos!
I've uploaded my photos from Ladakh. For reference the address is:
I hope you like the gallery. I chose the music myself. The initial view is a bit small though. If you click the bottom left button, you'll get a larger view of the gallery. If you want to turn off the music, which is likely, its the bottom right button.
Enjoy. I will happily give you a more comprehensive commentary if you come round my house.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Bell's Bridge
As you probably know, I have been cycle messengering since about May, and am loving it, although today was rather tiring having been off the bike for 7 weeks. Although I think the altitude in India did me good stamina wise, cos my bigger complaint was my sore bum! Anyway, I like couriering because I get to cycle all over the city and see new bits of it and get paid for the privilege. People say it must also be good for keeping fit, but I think the fumes from idling engines negate any beneficial physiological effects.
Today I did a long run from Temple in Anniesland to Sighthill (well, more like Royston) so I took the canal towpath all the way across teh north side of the city centre. I think its pretty cool that thats even possible. I also was at Bell's Bridge at just the right time to see it turning to let a boat through, which I've never seen before. It was much quieter than I expected, judging from teh condition of the painwork - its obviously better maintained inside than out. Also it was just a case of a couple of guys closing the gates at either end and pressing a button on the main mast around which it rotates - dead simple. It did grind a bit when meeting up with the other bit of teh bridge actually, but other than that very elegant!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
MacKinlay enjoying Calgary sunshine
Valley of Flowers
Element Magazine
I wrote a review of the Subtle gig way back in June for my friend Matt who works for Element Magazine and they printed it! Its in the August issue which may be found in selected venues in Glasgow and can be downloaded from the Element website. Its amazing what people will print..
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
The Global Rich List
Have a lok at where you come in the global wealth rankings...
Saturday, July 01, 2006
popcorn ear
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Gig Review: Low
Well, so much for resolutions. I've been to quite a few gigs since Battles and haven't written anything about them. Here's what I wrote to my friend Nick about the Low gig on May 2nd at the ABC. My Latest Novel supported:
I enjoyed My Latest Novel more than the last time i saw them(which was the first) i think they've got better, Paul's calmed down a bit. They played better and the songs were more consistent. I love that loud acapella stuff, its really striking. There's a fairly dark thing to the lyrics i think which i'd never noticed before.
I donn't know Low all that well, just have a couple of albums but really like Trust. It was a nice gig in general cos its so subtle and down tempo everyone was so quiet and attentive. Its a shame the drummer and bass player looked so bored at times! They make quite a noise for a three piece, despite playing very few notes - it was a real lesson in subtlety and craft - the quy was hardly touching his guitar strings - just exciting them at the specific volume
he wanted. A well spent evening, I think.
Went to see Radiohead at Blackpool (Empress Ballroom) on Saturday. Still mulling it over somewhat, deserves a more extensive review probably. Mind you, there are plenty of other so-called reviews on the fansites already, and some live bootlegs.
Friday, May 12, 2006
My proposal to mysociety
mysociety have called for proposals for their next democratising web application, so I put one in to do with strengthening micro-communities, such as that which should exist in our close here in our Glasgow tenement. Please have a read and leave any comments there.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
New photos on Flickr
Monday, May 01, 2006
All sorts of wonderful geographic data
"Global-i is a 3-dimensional interactive globe that displays information about the world in your browser. The Earth can be rotated and inspected and displays can be changed to see information in the most appropriate form." from Core77
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Thoughts at 2am on Sunday
battles are hard. They play with the vim and vigour I knew little of before seeing Frightened Rabbit a couple of weeks back. Apparently now that is the norm. All other drummers must up their game.
The difference between the Rabbit and Battles has to be intent however. Whereas Saturday night's Battles set was a lesson in performance and technique (by no means classical, but skilled nonetheless), Friday's was another display of shear heartfelt exuberance. FR's drummer plays like his life depends on it. So does Battles' except, that drummer appears to be directing his own fate. He looks like a drummer punishing himself. He doesn't play each with drum with both hands, he dedicates one stick to each. He doesnt put his crash and hi hat within easy reach, he makes himself work to reach them. The man sweats like a, cheese. or something that sweats an awful lot. It is as if the man is restricting himself in order that he can be the machine that Battles wants to be - one that pumps out a newborn montage of free dance and metal. Which it does, but with little overall purpose. I see the skill, the sweat and the conviction, but I can not clearly see the aim, the soul, the meaning. Perhaps battles are just an exercise, with no meaning.
Saturday was a night of drumming. We had battles, followed by Steve Reid and Keiran Hebden (Fourtet), two renowned rhythm mongers, all preceded by James 'Colditz' Chapman, trombonist turned drummer turned expert composer/producer. A tantalising set comprising all new to me tunes, played out to found sound backings on piano, cello, viola and trombone. James played with virtuosity, George blew assertively and lucidly. The performance was precise and so considered that it was played out serenely by all. A delicate and modest set that left the audience enraptured.
Later, Reid and Hebden would play with similar attentiveness but the sound let them down, as it did all the acts occasionally throughout the night. The venue was great for the event, large, open and friendly, and sufficiently trendy. But the sound was volatile, erring mostly on the high-end, and with various channels mysteriously droppiong out on occasion, while Reid's drums were almost constantly swamped by Hebden's belching samples. The quagmire lifted at one heady point of true dialogue between drummer and laptop but that was sadly unique. The perfomance showed great potential and given its brevity is undoubtedly an exciting work in progress.
The night ended with the Sun Ra Arkestra of which I feel unqualified to say much. It was simply a great way to end a great lineup, psychadelic and off-the-wall, trad and mod, simply a great big band. The first that I've seen in far too long.
[This is hopefully the first of many attempts to document the silly amount of time and money I spend at gigs and exhibitions.]
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
September 8th last year saw the passing of one of the 20th C´s most respected musical icons. Louis T. Hardin better known as Moondog was a revered pioneer on the Avant-Garde/Minimalist scene, his revolutionary attitude towards composition and melody was lauded by such eminent notables as Philip Glass and Steve Reich, while his style and attitude drew comparisons to Harry Partch.
Crazy japanese chain-of-event type antics
some great chains of improbable mechnical systems delivered via the medium of video
Friday, April 07, 2006
april 6th early hours
Friday, March 31, 2006
Masters PDE graduates 2005 no.1
Friday, March 24, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
RecycleGlasgow Wiki
I've started a wiki (editable website) for recycling resources in Glasgow at:
Please feel free to augment at will.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Found some better resources on recycling in Glasgow:
Also ordered a susbsidised compost bin.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Live Air Traffic Control | Live Airport Webcams | Live ATC
Ever wanted to hearLive Air Traffic Control broadcast off tinternet?
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
midnight motorway noises
Gilly has a new blog entitled midnight motorway noises. I like the look of it. She also has flickr pictures which are cool.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
How Roy lost Edgar's parcel shelf and was forgiven.
You know when you unexpectedly put a lot of effort into what should have been a brief and mundane email, and emerge from the experience with pride for your tenacity and the work that sprung forth from it? Well that happened to me, when I was writing to the fine lady who helped me find a new parcel shelf:
Hi Natalé,
Well. Its a sad story. I was doing my friend, Gilly, a favour by donating my car, parcel shelf and driver and all, to the cause of the Student Theatre group at Glasgow (STaG). Gilly was producing STaG Nights, the group's annual festival of one-act plays, and desperately needed a bath. She didn't need to wash, she needed a physical, tangible, bathtub. And she found one, to her credit, as one tends to do living in the Woodlands area. Always some furniture on display in the street, for the general enjoyment of students. To the ire of most residents however.
Anyway, Edgar (my car) and I were employed to help move said bath from resting place on West End Park Street to the Gilmorehill Theatre. Not very far. Had I known the trauma that was to ensue I might have insisted that Gilly just carry the bath the few hundred yards up the road. I didn't though, so likewise I didn't. We got the bath alongside Edgar on the pavement, at which point Gilly took the opportunity for a wee rest while I opened up the boot.
I can remember vividly (and in the slow motion that often accompanies my memories of scoring the first and only goal that I will ever score, in a footy match on St. Thomas' CofE Primary School playing fields at the age of 7) carefully detaching the parcel shelf and placing it, oh so delicately, on the pavement, one end on the ground, the other leaning securely up against the railings of no.28 West End Park Street. That was my error, as no sooner had that occurred than the very memory of its occurrence was unexplainably erased from my, admittedly, shit memory. It took a fair while to wriggle the bathtub into what is, and only ever will be, a five door hatchback. All the time Edgar's amputated pacrel shelf watched on. Watched as we fought with the bathtub. Watched as I fought against Gilly's determination to get the bathtub in Edgar. Watched as I drove Edgar away, hot, angry and oblivious.
It was a wet weekend and the parcel shelf must have spent some time being rained upon before presumably being requisitioned by drunken students or the needy owner of a Mark 4 or 5 Fiesta with grey interior. Hopefully the latter. Probably the former.
A full 2 days passed before I had the need to use the car again (I'm a carbon emissions aware kinda fella) and it was only then that I realised my substantial and unforgivable error. Phone calls to friends who reside nearby to the incident as well as repeated monitoring of the site (presumably in the futile hope that the recipient of the parcel shelf might repent and compassionately replace the item, along with its snapped and redundant, yet loveable, fittings, where he or she had chanced across it) proved unsuccessful.
I thought all was lost. In desperation, monosyllabic with grief, I turned to my fellow man through the wonders of the interweb, and broadcast my plight. And you responded.
So thank you. Edgar now once again has a parcel shelf which, although entirely uncoordinated in colouring, works a whole lot better because the fittings actually fix onto the hatchback door. Cool.
Plus my flatmate, Gareth, with whom I share the car is talking to me again. He says thanks too.
Natalé replied to a request that I sent to the Glasgow Freecycle list, telling me to get one from the scrapper's on Scots Road in Paisley.
One explanation for my new found wordiness is I spent the whole afternoon with Mark refining his sitcom. Looking good.
Monday, February 13, 2006
none today sir
A blog for cyclists in Glasgow. Might go for the ol' critical mass ride this month..
I just spent a very enjoyable weekend in Durham with Dave and Maddy and friends. I met Roger who is editor of Durham21, if you're ever interested in student life in Durham - its very good. I also met Irish finally, of which I shall say no more..
except that I find him hilarious. :)